'Knock at the Cabin' Interviews With Dave Bautista, Rupert Grint And More

The stars of M. Night. Shyamalan’s “Knock at the Cabin,” including Dave Bautista, Rupert Grint, Jonathan Groff and Ben Aldridge discuss their new thriller film in this interview with CinemaBlend's Mike Reyes. Watch as they dive into working with the iconic director, Bautista’s greatest struggles on set, Groff’s “daddy era” and more!

Video Chapters

00:00 - Intro
00:27 - Dave Bautista Raves About His Costars’ Performances
01:39 - Rupert Grint On What He Likes About Playing Unlikable Characters
02:33 - How Jonathan Groff and Ben Aldridge Prepared To Play Their LGBTQ Characters
04:01 - Dave Bautista And Rupert Grint Talk Struggles & Lessons On The M. Night Shyamalan Set
07:20 - Are Jonathan Groff & Ben Aldridge Entering Their ‘Daddy Era?’
07:54 - Dave Bautista Teases Weirdness & Politics in ‘Dune 2’

Katie Hughes
Senior Video Producer

Katie was born and raised in St. Louis, and got her degree in Journalism even though she was the first to raise her hand when a professor asked "who here hates reporting?" She loves everything about editing video content, which probably stems from her obsession with movies and TV since she was young. When she's not dominating at Scene It? or crafting a video, she's probably snuggling with her dog or re-watching New Girl for the tenth time.