James Bond Fans Celebrate 60 Years Of 007 (Myself Included)

Sean Connery cooly aims his gun in his hotel room in Dr. No.
(Image credit: Danjaq, LLC and MGM)

Technically 2022 was the 60th anniversary of the James Bond movies, as Dr. No made its UK theatrical premiere on October 5th, 1962. That’s the day that’s widely recognized as “James Bond Day” throughout the world, with many different celebrations taking place in the past on that very date. However, there’s another important date celebrating the humble beginnings of 007, and some Bond fans, myself included, are raising a martini to another red letter day honoring those 60 years.

Today in 1963 was the beginning of Commander Bond’s U.S. charm offensive. With a very limited release kicking things off, Sean Connery’s James Bond movies started to spread stateside with May 8th’s release of Dr. No. As such, I noted the occasion with the following Twitter post, which led to me finding other intriguing tributes to the 00-legacy: 

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Noting the occasion is a good way to start things off, though if I’m totally honest, I might take myself up on that martini later tonight. However, there are other fans who have shared some interesting facts and clips from the contemporary market that saw Dr. No make such a cinematic splash. For instance, here’s a great post that showed the teaser trailer that first peeked behind the curtain on the cinematic incarnation of Ian Fleming’s literary success: 

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I’d previously mentioned that Dr. No was in pretty limited release when it was released into theaters of the United States, and I wasn’t kidding. This next tweet lays out just how long it took for James Bond to get around in the former colonies, and by today’s standards, this is a pretty slow crawl:

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Imagine No Time To Die taking that tactic for release in the modern marketplace. The explosive end to Daniel Craig’s James Bond movies would have been spoiled faster than you can say “Madeleine,” and the discourse could have been spicier. Although speaking of heated words, this next tweet discusses just how “friendly” Sean Connery and Ian Fleming were back when he was first cast as 007:

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Wrapping things with a more modern touch, another fellow Bond fan took the time to celebrate the franchise with a scene from Skyfall. They didn’t just choose any scene, mind you, but they selected the Javier Bardem seduction scene that almost wasn’t. Feeding into a meme of best character introductions, this is the post that resulted: 

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When you can build up this much history over 60 years, you’re clearly dealing with a franchise that’s forever. As we wait to see who the next James Bond will be, Dr. No and the 24 other official EON Productions adventures are still around to remind us that no matter who the next fellow is, they’re going to be in good company. 

If you’re looking to celebrate the anniversary of Bond, James Bond’s first appearance in U.S. theaters, an HBO Max subscription is all you'll need to stream Dr. No. Though there's also a handful of other 007 adventures to enjoy, shaken or stirred, in the comfort of your own home. Here's to another milestone in James Bond history, and to all that will arrive in the months and years to come!

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

CinemaBlend's James Bond (expert). Also versed in Large Scale Aggressors, time travel, and Guillermo del Toro. He fights for The User.