I Rewatched Game Of Thrones And I Still Think It's A Great Show (Even With Season 8)
There are ups and downs.

I get it. I really do. Trust me. I do.
While I wasn’t one of the O.G. fans of Game of Thrones when it first released back in 2011 (because I was a little too young to be watching beheadings and boobs back then), I became a fan later on once I get into my late high school years/early college years, and fell in love with the world of George R.R. Martin. But, of course, 2019 came along – and we all know what happened.
It’s funny how it’s almost been four years since the Game of Thrones finale aired, and literally broke my heart and the internet, but now, because I'm a little more grown up, I can fully say that it's still worth the watch – even when you know how it’s going to end in Season 8. Here are my reasons why.
The Huge Moments Are Still Impactful
I feel like now that Season 8 aired, everyone always says that Game of Thrones used to be great television, up there with the likes of shows such as Breaking Bad or its spinoff, Better Call Saul. Like The Sopranos or The Wire – but now everyone feels as if Season 8 has tainted it.
Truth be told, I don’t see that at all. Even if you know how the show is going to end, there’s no denying that the impactful moments are still very impactful throughout the series, no matter what. Ned Stark’s death still hurts just as much a second time around as it did the first, and watching Ygritte die in Jon's arms still made me sob like a baby (but it’s better now that I know the actors are together in real life).
I still felt my chest get torn in two watching the Red Wedding. My face still lit up in glee when I saw Daenerys ride her dragon for the first time – there is just so much to get excited for, despite how the show ends.
Truly, there are really no filler episodes in GOT. Every episode has a major moment that makes you remember it, no matter what. I mean, you really can’t get better than the Battle of the Bastards in terms of TV, unless you watch anime or something like that.
The Music Is Still Iconic
Ramin Dijwaldi is always a win in my book. There’s a reason why he was brought back to compose the score for House of the Dragon. Every single piece of music that this man has made for this show just hits, every single time.
I mean, just listening to all the different versions of the house themes brings a smile to my face, and honestly, hearing the Targaryen family theme makes me smile even more now, considering we hear it all the time in HOTD, so I have a newfound appreciation for it.
I think out of all of them, one of my absolute favorites is “The Red Woman,” an underrated piece from Season 6. If you’ve never gotten the chance to listen to it, check it out.
It’s Always Fun To See Characters From The First Few Seasons
The Game of Thrones cast is ridiculously huge. While we had a lot of the main characters from the first season trickle down into the last, such as Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime, Arya – all the people we’ve either grown to love or hate – there are still characters from the first few seasons that I completely forgot about that I enjoyed seeing, or just overall missed.
I mean, seeing Robb Stark on screen again was like whiplash for me, because I’ve seen Richard Madden in so many other things not, from the Eternals cast to The Bodyguard, but he is still excellent as Robb. I totally forgot that Ros was a thing, and that she was actually a really big character for a while until she was killed. I also completely forgot about many of the men at the Night’s Watch – simply because we focused on Jon and Sam so much.
And Aemon Targaryen, oh my God – seeing him was a treat. He’s the person that got the best ending out of everyone, dying of old age.
And To See The Character Growth Of Others That Made It To The End
Alright, let’s put the character assassination of certain people to the side. We aren't talking about them here, no matter how much it angers me to see them go through so much, only for it all to be thrown away in Season 8.
What we will talk about are the characters that did get the endings they deserved after so much story and character development, and to return to the beginning of the series or earlier seasons and watch them go through all their troubles, before finally, finally getting what they deserve in the end is rewarding.
Brienne of Tarth becoming a knight. Ser Davos became a part of the Small Council. Even Theon getting redemption after everything he did the first few seasons of the show – those moments make it worthwhile to watch.
Despite How The Targaryen Story Ends, I’ll Never Get Enough Dragons
I don’t care what y'all say, I’m always down for dragons. I know that Daenerys’ story didn’t end like how many fans of hers wanted it to (me included), but I still love watching her, despite the outcome, and seeing her dragons always brings a smile to my face.
Here is what we know so far about House of the Dragon Season 2.
I mean, look at them. They are beautiful. Even as tiny babies before they grow into big dragons, they are just perfect. Drogon is certainly the scariest, but man, I love watching them so much.
To be honest, watching her and her dragons just makes me appreciate all the freaking dragons we get to see on House of the Dragon now. I mean, did any of us ever expect to see as many as we did in HOTD Season 1?
It's crazy to think the franchise started with just three little dragons and now, we have a ridiculous amount that we'll be seeing for some time. This show laid the groundwork for that, and we get to reap the benefits now.
The Villains – For The Most Part – Are Still Just As Evil
Man, I freaking hate the villains of this show and I mean that in the best way.
Granted, I don’t feel the same amount of fear for the Night King anymore. He’s not scary in any way after the disaster that was the Battle of Winterfell. But all the human villains were terrifying. Ramsay felt even worse this time around. Joffrey was still a little shit that I wanted to strangle. Even Ser Alliser Thorne felt like just as much of an asshole as he was the first time I watched.
Fantasy shows and their villains can sometimes be overdone, but Game of Thrones thrived when their villains were simple – humans with terrible intentions, and that’s what all of these characters have in common.
Plus, Tyrion’s One-Liners Are So Hilarious
You can’t not love Tyrion, man. Peter Dinklage is a treasure to humanity and his delivery as Tyrion was just great – hence why he won several Primetime Emmys for it.
But man, I just love his jokes; they still make me snicker to this day. “I am the god of tits and wine.” “I drink and I know things.” “Next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face.” They just keep going and going and I wish I could have a shirt or a book that has them written down so I can laugh every single day. Pure hilarity.
Will Game of Thrones ever be looked at in a super positive light again? Probably not, thanks to how it ended, but there’s no denying that the show is still good. The acting is top-notch, the action is great, and the story even better for most of the show’s duration. No matter what, there’s something to enjoy, and more people need to realize that.
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Big nerd and lover of Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. Will forever hate season eight. Superhero and horror geek. And please don't debate me on The Last of Us 2, it was amazing!
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